Turn on all the lights in Jerusalem

During the past few years, due to the overwhelming number of homes and apartments that have been purchased by foreign residents, our city suffers from a few problems that we are trying to resolve:

A shortage of apartments for the 40,000 students in Jerusalem who are a lifeline for keeping our city Jewish, vibrant and prosperous.

Many neighborhoods remain empty during most of the year, weakening Jerusalem's strength, economy & commerce. We invite you to partner with us in dealing with the main issues that concern us and share your apartment, when it's not in use, with University students, young families and visitors

How does it Work?

We invite you to lease your property under one of the following programs through us:

J-Rent: Your property will be leased at market prices to students and young families according to your definitions. The lessees will deposit a guarantee and will pay rental fee as well as management fee to the management company.

J-Tour: Turn your apartment in Jerusalem to a hotel that yields a handsome income for you. The management company will lease your property to tourists for short periods at tariffs established by you.

Coming soon: Subsedized rent for lone soldiers and honored students.

About us

Fuehrer Property Management Ltd. has engaged in the management of buildings and apartments for over 68 years.

We believe that effective and professional management of a real estate property is based on three principles: First - ongoing maintenance of the property and immediate and efficient handling of problems. Second - advanced accounting methods. Third - a professional legal department to provide ongoing legal assistance and counsel in connection with the handling of the property. Only this combination and close interaction among the three functions will provide the answer to all scenarios involved in management of the property.


• Property management: Buildings, apartments, commercial, offices and industry, integrated residential/office/commercial buildings;

• Management of properties for foreign residents;

• Leasing properties, together with maximum inspection and exploitation of each property;

• Maintenance, renovation and expansion of the properties managed by the Company;

• Initiating and improving properties by means of legal upgrading;

• Professional legal department in the fields of land and taxation.

Number of Properties Presently under the Company's Management:

Over 1,500 leased properties of various types: residential housing, apartments, stores, industrial and commercial areas.

Fuehrer Property: Representative of the Jerusalem Municipality

We were selected by the Jerusalem Municipality for the project. If you have a property in Jerusalem, we would be happy if contact us